The STOREE team is always here to help you and answer your questions. Some questions pop up more frequently than others which is why we list them here. If you cannot find the answer you’re looking for, reach out to us anytime.
1. Every STOREE user receives a personal STOREE email address ending on “”. Use this email when shopping in online shops. You can do this when creating new accounts, using guest checkout or change existing customer accounts to your STOREE email address.
2. Activate an automatic forward from your primary email address to your new STOREE email address. STOREE will receive all your emails but automatically recognizes which ones are related to online shopping and neglect the rest. You are not sure how to do it? Check out some short explanations from your email provider:
Emails from online shops sometimes unfortunately do not contain certain information such as payment method, details on single items, addresses or product pictures in the first place. In such cases, STOREE unfortunately can also not display them for you as STOREE cannot know more than the emails contain.