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From us to you
Dear beta tester,
Your feedback in this initial phase of STOREE was super valuable to us and thanks to you, we have learned a lot about what online shoppers want in an online shopping organizer app.
You had great contribution in creating STOREE and that's a big deal to us! We do hope that you continue to support us through feedback, by using STOREE and recommending it to every online shopper you know.
We will keep growing and learning, and we look forward to you being a part of it. We're excited for our future journey together!
As a little token of appreciation, we'd like to give you a limited STOREE PopSocket to prevent your hands from tiring when you shop and have STOREE organize it for you :)
Fill in below form and we'll have one shipped to you!
Your STOREE team
Philip, Yi-Chin, Nemanja & Barbara
We can only supply while stock lasts.